Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Rain rain go away (Derby to Alderwasley)

The rain began last night and has stayed gentle but persistent throughout the day. I usually say that I prefer to wear shorts and get wet legs than have soaking fabric stuck to me, so I don't know what possessed me to wear trousers today. What with the rain, and brushing past wet plants, my trousers are completely soaked through, and I'm not entirely sure they'll dry overnight. Fortunately there doesn't seem to be anyone else staying at the campsite, so I've left many of my wet things hanging in the toilet block. Not only jacket and trousers, but also pack cover, shoes and socks, polarfleece and t-shirt. I'm not sure if my underlayers got wet from rain soaking through, or from perspiration condensing inside my coat - either way, a lot that really needs to dry tonight.
I don't generally mind walking in the rain, but usually when I do I have somewhere warm and dry to stay, like a nice cosy tramping hut with fire blazing and racks for drying out wet shoes and jackets. I hardly realised it, but I've actually done very little camping before, and it's certainly a bit trickier to manage.
I took a lot longer to start this morning than I usually do, not leaving the Airbnb until nearly 10, partly to make the most of the free food and coffee, but also as this will probably be the last Airbnb for a while and I wanted to luxuriate a little. These reasons don't stop me from being annoyed at myself for the late start, and then I compounded that annoyance but getting repeatedly lost over the first half of the day. The OS maps mislead me several times and I spent many frustrated minutes circling back, finding myself cut off from the footpath, and once such on the wrong side of the rail line with no clear way as where to cross. Finally escaping the towns I found my spirits returning, and I began to notice little changes to the scenery. There is less fencing and more stone walls in this area, and there's been a shift in the type of stone used for houses too, though I couldn't say exactly what the difference is.
Coming to a downhill section I suddenly started to run, to clear the frustration of the morning perhaps, or simply to feel like I was pushing myself. So far I have mostly felt limited by pain in my plodding feet, and not by strain on muscles, the walking has been far but not strenuous. Running, though only downhill, let me feel my body working, and what a glorious thing it is! Maybe u shall try it again sometime.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yeah right, run down a hill....:)

    1. You couldn't do it old man, your knees would snap

  3. 'The Hills are Alive with the sound of music'.
    Lets hope the weather brightens up for you Erinxx
